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For the best supply of quality trees & plants, landscaping designs & installations serviced by a team of professionals that prides their work and customer satisfaction.

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Let us help you with tips to improve your garden.  Just ask us!

When it comes to the health and well being of our gardens - trees and plants do very well in terms of maintaining themselves.  But in every well laid plan, things can always go awry.  That’s where our tender loving care comes into play.

We hope this section of our web site and its various sub-pages will offer you some insight and tips for how to take care of and maintain your gardens so that they thrive and look beautiful.

Throughout the millennia, trees, gardens & flowers have been a focal part of society’s lives.  Whether captured on photo or on canvas, a beautiful tree, plant or flower always seems to capture the imagination…

Nature’s Trees and Plants are living things and they are in our hands...

Spring always brings out the excitement in any gardener as a new growing season starts.  Hands & soil reunite…      

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Fall Pruning
Posted by Mom on May 1, 2014
Fall Pruning is one of the most under-rated garden maintenance activities that always reaps positive rewards.

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Fall Pruning
Posted by Mom on May 1, 2014
Fall Pruning is one of the most under-rated garden maintenance activities that always reaps positive rewards.

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Fall Pruning
Posted by Mom on May 1, 2014
Fall Pruning is one of the most under-rated garden maintenance activities that always reaps positive rewards.

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We hope this section of our web site and its various sub-pages will offer you some insight and tips for how to take care of and maintain your gardens so that they thrive and look beautiful.

Throughout the millennia, trees, gardens & flowers have been a focal part of society’s lives.  Whether captured on photo or on canvas, a beautiful tree, plant or flower always seems to capture the imagination…

Late Fall pruning, promotes new spring growth and brings birds back with songs a-tuning…      

Never to soon, to teach young ones to love and cherish Mother Nature’s gifts.

Grandmother & Granddaughter share garden treasures…     

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